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Energy Strategy Research Center


The center is engaged first of all in energy policy and development strategy research with the help of energy, environmental and economical models to forecast future energy supply and demand, which can be served to the government’s programming. Secondly, the prospects for the renewable energy and its role in energy structural change and reduction of GHG emissions are analyzed and assessed using LCA approach. Thirdly, some measures and policies for the preferential energy technologies and energy efficiency technologies are discussed to ensure their diffusion and industrialization. Lastly, Energy security related to climate security and CDM capacity building are studied by establishing evaluation models & methodologies of CO2 mitigation. It is opening up channels for international cooperation, international exchange at the same time.



★The main research directions

■Research on energy policy and energy development strategy: Energy programming and strategies; evaluation of energy-economic and policy measures.

■Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of sustainable energy technologies: Improvement LCA approach; Construction indicators of sustainable energy system. The study on the diffusion and industrialization of the preferential energy technologies

■Countermeasures research to climate change and CDM capacity building


