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Copenhagen Capacity Visits GIEC


On Oct. 22th, Mr. Jorgen, manager of China Department of Copenhagen Capacity and Doc. Hans, an ocean energy expert visited GIEC.

Prof. Yage You, chief scientist of the ocean energy laboratory in GIEC briefly introduced to the visiting group the general research condition in the field of wave energy in China as well as the latest accomplishments achieved by GIEC in this field. In addition, suggestions were put forward aiming at solving problems existing in technologies owned by Wave Dragon (WD) Co. of Denmark, who used to cooperate with GIEC, and improved experimental results were also proposed. Dr. Hans highly appreciated these suggestions and showed intense interest in GIEC’s development in wave energy technology, which he hopes would be promoted in Denmark once matured. Then he introduced their latest technologies involving the utilization of ocean wind energy and ocean current energy. Thus he wishes to seek cooperation with Chinese partners and promote Wave Dragon technology.