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Young scientists attend the 12th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments on behalf of GIEC


From 1st September to 6th September the 12th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS12) held on at the National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan. During this week, more than 140 scientists (researchers, postdocs and PhD students) presented their work (through poster and/or oral presentations) on various important topics related to gas hydrates (GH) such as:

- the formation and destabilisation of GH in (shallow) marine sediments;

- the imaging of gas structures by seismic studies;

- the distribution and quantification of GH;

- the diversity and functionning of gas seeps, pockmarks and mud volcanoes;

- the role of biological processes at seep ecosystems;

- etc.

Dr. Daidai Wu (poster title: Geochemical Research of Gas hydrate in the northern South China Sea)and Dr. Hongxiang Guan( poster title: Molecular fossils reveal biogeochemical process at an active methane seep from the northern South China Sea)present the results during GIMS12 by poster on behalf of GIEC.

The GIMS takes place every two years in a different country around the world. The University of Norway won the vote to host next conference(GIMS13) in early September, 2016.